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- Black/blue frame/black skirt
- Black frame/black skirt
- Black/crystal frame/clear skirt
- Clear frame / clear skirt
- Blue frame / clear skirt
Tusa Freedom Ceos – (ideal for average – medium face shape)
- Quick-adjust buckle system
- Round-edge skirt for maximum fit and comfort
Gauge Reader Lenses
Rx Dive makes gauge reader lenses for divers needing near vision correction only and typically for reading diving computer gauges. Divers involved in underwater photography with total near plus scripts in the range of 2.5 D or less often select gauge readers.
The gauge readers are made from optical crown glass for optimum optics. Glass lenses have the added the advantage of superior abrasion resistance.
Gauge Reader Script Range: +2.50 D sphere (sph) max -2.00 cylinder (cyl) on + script

Single Vision Lenses
single vision lenses to suit an astonishingly wide script range including high prism and high cylinder powers.
Single Vision lenses are made from optical crown glass for optimum optics and also available in premium lens material to make lenses thinner and more suitable for difficult scripts or for the diver wanting lenses as thin as possible. Very high scripts will need to be made in premium lens material to minimise the potential of edge lens contact with the temple area of the face. Despite pressure equalisation, lens contact with the temple area of the face is highly uncomfortable.
Single Vision Script Range
Crown Glass Script Range:
+7.00 D sphere (sph) max -4.00 cylinder (cyl) on + script
-10.00 D (max sphere (sph) and cylinder (cyl) combined)
Hi Index Glass (1.8) Script Range:
+11.00 D sphere (sph) max -5.00 cylinder (cyl) on + script
-15.00 D (max sphere (sph) and cylinder (cyl) combined)
Bifocal Lenses
Very popular lenses using a 35mm wide bifocal segment.
The bifocal features minimal image jump at the bifocal distance script interface.
The lenses are laminated into the mask with the bifocal segment positioned to minimise image jump.
Bifocal lenses give the diver optimum near and distance correction for all diving activities and are highly recommended.
The bifocals lenses are made of crown glass and exhibit maximum abrasion resistance. Premium lens material is unavailable for this lens type at the current time.
D35 Bifocal Script Range:
+7.00 D sphere (sph) max -4.00 cylinder (cyl) on + script
-10.00 D (max sphere (sph) and cylinder (cyl) combined)
(No Hi-Index (1.8) option available)